Directions to Los Colibris Casitas

  • When departing airport, follow signs for Zona Hotelera Cuota and Cabo San Lucas
  • You’ll see a welcome sign for Los Cabos as you leave airport
  • Pass through toll booth and collect ticket which you’ll pay at the end
  • Follow signs for Cabo San Lucas. Ignore signs for San Jose del Cabo
  • Then follow signs for Todos Santos, and pay the toll as you exit.
  • Take Highway 19 North to Todos Santos
  • Continue along Highway 19 for about 45 minutes then take right-hand turn-off for Todos Santos at around KM 57
  • Enter town at KM 52, then follow blue and white signs with orange arrows for Hotel Posada La Poza
  • Follow signs all over a bunch of crazy dirt roads, always following the orange arrows. Once you have an expansive view of the ocean and this
  • When you see the sign that reads LOS COLIBRIS PARKING STAY LEFT—do that! Follow the direc tions below to get to your specific casita.