Directions to Tarkuni, Tswalu

  • Distance approximately 650 km. Estimated driving time is 7 hours.
  • Take M1 south, take Bloemfontein split and follow N12 and the signs to Kimberley.
  • Stay on the N12, proceed through Potchefstroom, Klerksdorp, and Wolmaransstad.
  • At Wolmaransstad take R504 to Schweizer-Reneke, then R34 to Vryburg.
  • From Vryburg, continue on the N14 to Kuruman.
  • In Kuruman turn right at the first traffic light and follow the signs to Hotazel / Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (R31).
  • Kuruman is the last fuel stop before you reach Tswalu.
  • In Kuruman please contact the lodge to establish an estimate time of arrival (please call as we need to send someone to open the gate).
  • Tel: +27 53 781 9317 / +27 53 781 9333. Mobile phone coverage is available all the way from Kuruman to the Tswalu gate.
  • Approximately 56km from Kuruman you will pass a sign on the left to Kathu & Deben (R380).
  • A short distance past this signage you will cross over a railway bridge.
  • After the bridge you will pass a sign on the right to Hotazel.
  • Approximately 72km from Kuruman (before Blackrock) turn left onto the tar road R31.
  • Follow signs to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and Van Zylsrus.
  • After about 42km you will see a turn to your left (indicated as Sonstraal on maps and GPS).
  • It is sign-posted Tswalu Kalahari Reserve on the D3335 route.
  • After turning, the tar road ends and you continue on a gravel road.
  • There is good mobile phone reception in this area; please call the lodge to advise where you are.
  • After 10km on the gravel road, you will see an airstrip on your left and just beyond, the Tswalu staff housing complex on your right.
  • A kilometer further you will see Tswalu signage “Tswalu Admin and Health Care Centre”
  • You will be met at this gate by your guide who will escort you further.
  • From Upington take the N14 to Olifantshoek – approximately 165km.
  • In Olifantshoek please contact the lodge to establish an estimated time of arrival (please call as we need to send someone to open the gate)
  • Tel: +27 53 781 9317 / +27 53 781 9333.
  • From Olifantshoek continue on N14 towards Kathu/Sishen.
  • With the mine on your left, turn left towards Deben & Sishen airfield.
  • Proceed through the next intersection (Kathu and mine) and continue for approximately 20km passing the airfield on the right .
  • Turn right at the sign that says “HOTAZEL” and proceed for 45km to the next T-junction.
  • At the T-junction turn left towards “Hotazel and Gemsbok Park (R31)” and continue for approximately 16km.
  • Before reaching Blackrock turn left onto the tar road signposted “R31 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park” and “Van Zylsrus”
  • After about 42km you will see a turn to your left (indicated as Sonstraal on maps and GPS).
  • It is sign-posted Tswalu Kalahari Reserve on the D3335 route.
  • After turning, the tar road ends and you continue on a gravel road.
  • There is good mobile phone reception in this area; please call the lodge to advise where you are.
  • After 10km on the gravel road, you will see an airstrip on your left and just beyond, the Tswalu staff housing complex on your right.
  • A kilometer further you will see Tswalu signage “Tswalu Admin and Health Care Centre”.
  • You will be met at this gate by your guide who will escort you further.
  • From Kimberley airport – travel on the R31 for 35km to Barkley West.
  • From Barkley West travel 96km to Danielskuil
  • From Danielskuil travel 71km to Kuruman.
  • In Kuruman continue over the traffic light and follow the sign to Hotazel / Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (R31).
  • Kuruman is your last fuel stop before you reach Tswalu
  • Please contact the lodge to establish an estimate time of arrival (please call as we need to send someone to the gate).
  • Mobile phone coverage is available all the way from Kuruman to the Tswalu gate.
  • Approximately 56km from Kuruman you will pass a sign on the left to Kathu & Deben (R380).
  • A short distance past this signage you will cross over a railway bridge. After the bridge you will pass a sign on the right to Hotazel.
  • Approx 72km from Kuruman (before Blackrock) turn left onto the tar road R31 following signs to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and Van Zylsrus.
  • After about 42km you will see a turn to your left (indicated as Sonstraal on maps and GPS)
  • it is sign-posted Tswalu Kalahari Reserve on the D3335 route
  • After turning, the tar road ends and you continue on a gravel road
  • There is good mobile phone reception in this area; please call the lodge to advise where you are
  • After 10km on the gravel road, you will see an airstrip on your left and just beyond, the Tswalu staff housing complex on your right
  • A kilometer further you will see Tswalu signage “Tswalu Admin and Health Care Centre”
  • You will be met at this gate by your guide who will escort you further