Directions to Moon Mountain Lodge - Namibia
- Windhoek via Spreetshoogte Pass to Moon Mountain Lodge is approx. 279 km
- From Windhoek drive south on the B1 to Rehoboth (approx. 87 km)
- From Rehoboth drive south west on the C24 to the D1261 turn off (approx. 39 km)
- Drive on the D1261 to Nauchas (approx. 55 km)
- From Nauchas drive the D1275 down the Spreetshoogte pass to the C14 turn off (approx. 51 km)
- Turn left into the the C14 and continue to Solitaire (approx. 9 km)
- From Solitaire, head south on the C19 and drive to the lodge sign (approx. 38 km)
- Turn left at the sign and drive to the lodge.
- Swakopmund via Walvis Bay
- Swakopmund to Moon Mountain Lodge is approx. 294 km
- From Swakopmund take the B2 to Walvis Bay (approx. 30 km)
- From Walvis Bay drive south on the C14 to Solitaire (approx. 230 km)
- From Solitaire, head south on the C19 to the lodge sign (approx. 34 km)
- Turn left at the sign and drive to the lodge.
- The B2 is tar road. The rest of the route is gravel road
- Helmeringhausen to Moon Mountain Lodge is approx. 293 km
- Helmeringhausen drive south on the C13 to the C27 turn off (approx. 4 km)
- Turn right into the C27 and drive to the C19 turn off (approx. 251 km)
- Turn left into the C19 and drive to the lodge sign (approx. 38 km)
- Turn right at the sign and drive to the lodge.
- The entire route is gravel road.
- Note: The C27 passes the Sesriem entrance gate to Sossusvlei